Antique Glass Star Pendant


from $78.00

DIMENSIONS | Large 45cm H x 40cm W, Small 30cm H x 25cm

QUANTITY | 3 Large, 3 Small

Made from industrial metal and handblown antiqued glass, these pendants are versatile in their application - whether it’s a modern celestial vibe or something more boho luxe, they’ll be right at home. Anything from fairy lights to Empire chandeliers, bulb droppers or our Lava Lights — we love pairing these beauties up with other black, glass or textured options.


Would you like a quote? Please send us an enquiry with a list of the items you are interested in hiring along with the quantity required and item name so our team can start creating your order. Please be aware that there may be other costs associated with the hire of these items such as installation and delivery fees.  All prices are ex. GST.

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