Lighting and Rigging for Outdoor Events: Tips and Considerations


Hosting an outdoor event can be a beautiful and memorable experience, but it comes with its own set of challenges, especially when it comes to lighting and rigging. Whether you're planning a wedding, corporate event, or festival, here are some tips and considerations to keep in mind when setting up lighting and rigging for your outdoor event.

Consider the Venue and Layout

Before you start planning your lighting and rigging, it's important to consider the venue and layout of your event. Make note of any potential obstacles, such as trees or uneven terrain, and plan your lighting and rigging accordingly. You may need to bring in additional equipment, such as generators or scaffolding, to ensure that your lighting and rigging are secure and functional.

Choose the Right Equipment

When it comes to lighting and rigging for outdoor events, it's essential to choose the right equipment, and that’s where we come in! Our equipment is commercial grade and most of our products are designed specifically for outdoor use. This means they can withstand the elements, such as rain and wind. You may also need to invest in additional services, such as trussing, to create a sturdy rigging structure, especially for hanging florals.

Consider Power and Electrical Needs

Outdoor events often require additional power and electrical needs. Make sure you have a plan for power distribution and consider bringing in generators if necessary. It's also important to ensure that all electrical equipment is properly grounded and that safety measures are in place to prevent electrical or tripping hazards (such as covers for extension cords).

Take Weather into Account

Weather can be unpredictable, especially during outdoor events. It's important to have a plan in place for bad weather, such as rain or high winds. This may include additional safety precautions, such as securing lighting and rigging equipment, or having a backup plan in case of power outages. We’ll always work with you to create an alternative lighting and rigging concept should this happen for your event.

Hire Licensed Professionals

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, it's essential to hire licensed professionals for your lighting and rigging needs. In Australia, event rigging requires a special license, and it's important to work with professionals who have the necessary training and expertise. Not only will this ensure that your event runs smoothly and safely, but it will also give you peace of mind knowing that your lighting and rigging are in good hands.

Lighting and rigging for outdoor events require careful planning and consideration. By choosing the right equipment, taking weather and power needs into account, and hiring licensed professionals, you can ensure that your event is not only beautiful and memorable, but also safe and secure.

Happy event planning!


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